Wade Anthony
Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, the
son of Grover Cummings, Wade was encouraged to
express himself through art from the very beginning.
He started painting from the bed sheets, to the
walls, onto paper. He used his art as a way of
expression and to release his emotions.
During elementary school, he was
directed and sponsored by his Principal to take art
classes at The Toledo Museum of Art, as a way to
positively focus his energies.
Growing up in the late 60’s and early 70’s, Wade became
influenced by the tide of the Black Power movement. Taking
his self awareness cues from his mother and coupling that
with the creative talent of his photographer father, he
gravitated towards those musical expressions that were
revolutionary; namely jazz, reggae, and hip hop. He
consequently became infamous and influential in another
revolution, the emerging Toledo graffiti art revolution,
under the tag “Swade”.
Harrison continued his art education at the art institute of
Pittsburgh, where he obtained his associate’s degree.
Following a brief stint with an advertising agency in
graphic design, Harrison concentrated more on his work as a
fine artist. His style has since evolved into an exploratory
freedom reflective of the music to which he listens.
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