A Black History Moment
By June Boyd
Guest Column
As we celebrate Black History Month, we must also celebrate
the fact that the Black Lives Matter movement has been
nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, much to the chagrin of
white supremacists and Donald Trump. Now we know who the
true patriots are.
January 6, 2021, a day we shall never forget, was an
invasion of the white supremacists, the Proud Boys, the
QAnons, all of those who had no regard for our political
leaders or our government.
The bottom
line, to Donald Trump, they
were not protesters from the Black Lives Matter movement.
The year 2020 led off with
COVID-19, and swept away so many good people, loved ones who
deserved better.The
good side of 2020 was Stacy Abrams and Latosha Brown and the
other political leaders in Georgia who succeeded in
combatting voter suppression and were a major force in
electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the presidency and
vice presidency of the United States, respectively.
They did not stop with that
victory. On January 5, 2021, they successfully elected Rev.
Raphael Warnock and John Ossoff to the United States Senate,
the first Black senator from Georgia and the first Jewish
senator. Another successful notch for Black History.
We are not through. This is
just the beginning of a political revolution implemented by
the black men and women in this nation.
This writer proudly
acknowledges labeling cards for Rev. Warnock and John Ossoff
that were sent to Georgia through one of our local unions in
Toledo. The power of
registration and voting.
We must respond to the white supremacists, QAnons and other
groups who only want to disrupt rather than embrace. We
must do better, the thought of "my vote does not count” is
no longer acceptable, or an option.
February 2021, Black History Month, can be the beginning of
a continued movement relative to voting power. For every
young person age 17 or 18, please register to vote and carry
the torch of black power.
In closing, former convicted felons, know that in the state
of Ohio, you can register, or re-register after you have
served your time, let your voice be heard. Also, stay
alive, wear your mask and get your vaccine; I have gotten