United Methodist Church Has No Spine…None.
By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column
Well, we here go again. A former bastion of orthodox
Christianity is again selling its birth rite for a mess of
pottage…and the pottage shows that the UMC in regards to its
stance on gay marriage is naked and ashamed (or should be!).
If you understand that the UMC along with other major
Protestant denominations are leaving their first love and
are capitulating to the desire to be acceptable to the
world, this article makes sense.
Nothing makes you want to avert your eyes more than a
bloody car wreck or a church organization that professes a
love of God but, at a moment’s chance, it goes ‘a whoring’
after other gods.
The UMC has, on their books, the belief that marriage
is between a man and a woman but in reality they winked at
that creedal statement when they had a recent chance to
rebuke the former dean of the Yale Divinity School who
officiated at his son’s gay marriage in 2012.
Rather than take this reprobate by the seat of his seats
and toss him out until he repented, the NY chapter of the
UMC, rolled over like a pet dog and let the world scratch
its furry underbelly and, enjoying the sensation, the NY
chapter dropped all charges against Rev. Thomas Ogletree.
Was it because of his status as a former dean of the
Yale Divinity School or was it because the hierarchy that
makes up the UMC is so liberal and caught up with themselves
that adherence to Bible principles do not hold them in
Is the UMC on its way to apostasy? In my opinion….yes.
They are not contending for the faith (Jude 3) nor are they
towing the line as to the scripture caveat against same sex
marriage (Note: it is not a marriage but a union since
marriage was instituted by God to be between only a man and
a woman; and he has the patent, the trademark and copy right
on it).
It is as if the UMC has now accepted the crusty scales
over their eyes and the jellied wax in their ears as part
and parcel of their new paradigm.
The NY chapter of the UMC is setting the precedent that
if you violate clear scripture mandates then simply use the
artifice of, “love conquers all” to mask over the factions
with the UMC that are determined to usurp scripture and to
impose their own way of deciding what God has already
determined about who the parties to a marriage must be.
It is but a clear return to the Garden of Eden in which
Satan, the adversary of God, told Adam and Eve that God must
have been in error when He told Adam and Eve not to eat of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Satan told that gullible first family the now famous
line of, “did God really say that?” The lie?
If you eat of that tree, you will become like gods!
The rest is history. Adam and Eve went for the
Okey-Doke and sin entered the world.
You would think that any professing Christian group
would take a somber message from that act of betrayal and be
on high alert for any other incursions by Satan as to he
undermining other statements made by God.
But no. The NY chapter of the UMC along with many
other organizations that profess a belief in the Word of
God, have taken it upon themselves to reimage and rewrite
holy text to suit their own itching ears.
The UMC would rather hear the applause of man than the
approval of God and so for them to tacitly condone gay
marriage by their refusal to sanction this reprobate bishop,
gives one cause for concern that the UMC is quickly sliding
down that slippery slope wherein all of God’s pronouncements
regarding moral conduct are up for one’s own private
Gut check: God is sovereign and he does not rule by any
majority vote done by his creation. He does not change his
moral character based upon trying to be hip or cool,
cultural differences or what’s politically correct.
He is not impressed by the arcane and false logic of
people, like this Rev. Ogletree who would, with a straight
face, say that he did what he did as an act of love.
Spare me the fetid baloney! He did what he did because
he knew that the feckless NY chapter of the UMC would
capitulate and turn tail and not want to make a stance since
they in all likelihood do not have the “spiritual backbone”
to expel this apostate from their midst.
I recently filed charges against a past local UMC
bishop because he endorsed and championed the election of a
person for a high level Methodist church job and which
person was in a “committed relationship,” aka: gay union.”
For this local bishop, who, has thankfully moved on,
being in a committed relationship trumps the issue of sin
and therefore it is OK. Note: my charges were rebuffed after
a hearing by a three bishop ruling body.
That is the kind of warped logic and thinking that is
creeping in certain denominations who do not want to hold
the line and nor do they have any fear of the inerrancy of
But, in closing, the above is to be expected since we
are in the last days and in these last days, mockers will
set up shop and try to shred the Word of God and cover their
lies with intellectual gibberish…and we love it so!
Contact Lafe Tolliver at