Sunday Services Go on … Empty Pews or Not
Sojourner’s Truth Staff
“Run and be not weary,”
from Isaiah 40: 28-31 was the inspiration for Rev. James
Willis’ message on Sunday as he addressed his St. Paul
Missionary Baptist Church congregation on Facebook and via
Willis, pastor of St.
Paul, held his first Sunday service in church sanctuary
empty of all but his media team, Bobby McDole, Sharon
Hubbard and J’Vann Winfield, and reflected on the current
coronavirus pandemic, or “plague,” and Old Testament
teachings about the purpose of plagues which was “to get
people to turn from their wicked ways.”
“This is one of those
things,” he observed.
Further down the street on
Detroit Avenue in the pulpit of Mt. Nebo Baptist Church,
Pastor Cedric Brock also spoke to his church congregation on
Facebook and radio, assisted in the sanctuary by Carlos
Pettin and Alan Crawford.