Imagine if you will, people who think that when they
see criminal activity, that turning your head or closing
your eyes or acting like a deaf and dumb mute is admirable
or is worthy of emulation.
Imagine if you will, that some people hold to the credo
that if you report negative criminal behavior, you are
“betraying” your “people” and that you are a stooge for the
white man.
Imagine such ignorance and stupidity that people will
sear their conscience and think that they are in sync with
their community or that they are striking back against the
But. That is what we are faced with when anyone takes
it upon him or herself to allow criminal thugs to reign and
rule in any neighborhood.
Such miscreants thrive and depend upon such tomfoolery
to protect their evil acts and to remain hidden in shadows
and to intimidate to you bite your tongue and accept their
hellish version of good and evil.
Note: Being Black is not defined in any shape or form
by aligning yourself with criminal elements in your
Are these the numbskulls whom you would look up to and
have your children admire or respect?
We are not talking about jailhouse snitches who may be
paid for false testimony for a promised hope of getting a
break in their own pending sentencing.
We are not talking about people who make up lies for
purposes of malevolent purposes or to gain an undue
We are talking about everyday people who know of a tip
or some information that will flush out some thug, molester,
vandal or drug king who has demonstrated by his evil deeds
that he has no respect for you or your property.
There is no shame in reporting to the authorities,
especially in an anonymous manner, the parasites and
vampires that parade under the guise of being your “Brotha
or Sista” and yet will prey upon you and commit acts of
violence against you or a loved one.
There should be no remorse or regret in turning in
criminals who have no regard for your life or safety and
will rip you off as so much as to look at you.
Are these the types of people that we want to protect
from their nefarious acts being exposed?
You and I know that someone in the crowd who knew young
Grier, knows some facts about his senseless death yet they
may want to grieve and mourn for him as a friend?
No, you are not his friend. You are a cop out and a coward!
Tell what you know to Crime Stoppers and let us help stop
this senseless Black on Black crime spree in Toledo!
If Black Lives Matter to you, then show it by your acts
of decency and respect for the loss of life of Dashad Grier
and report these hoodlums.
Be clear about it. The people who hurt, harm and steal
from you; and kill other people and cause teens to go to
early graves are not your friends.
They are your enemies and they have declared war
against you because they know that they can run up a false
flag of that misguided urban legend that being a snitch is a
lowlife or a turncoat.
They are the vile ones. They are the ones that inflict
needless emotional and mental anguish and incalculable
suffering upon the innocents.
They are the ones who hurt, harm and slash the
community with their willful acts of burglaries, mayhem,
vandalism, muggings, assaults and murders.
Are these the types of criminals whom we should coddle
and protect from being brought to justice to account for
their despicable acts against you and your family members?
Never ever let the word “snitch” deter you from doing
the right thing and reporting criminal activity when you see
it or know of it.
Do not give these rats any sewer to run and hide in.
They have no regard or respect for you.
The people who report these bad characters are the good
That person is not a snitch but rather should be applauded
as a hero.
The Black community should not be a dumping ground for
misfits who engage in criminal conduct knowing that they can
hid behind the illusion that they are safe because no one
will snitch on them. Prove them wrong.
Contact Lafe Tolliver at