Toledo Fair Housing Center Applauds Regulation Compelling
Communities to Expand Opportunity
HUD Rule Strengthens Fair Housing Enforcement
Special to The Truth
Substantial progress in fair housing enforcement was
achieved yesterday through a regulation issued by the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The
regulation provides guidance to jurisdictions in complying
with their existing obligations to affirmatively further
fair housing (AFFH), a key provision of the 1968 Fair
Housing Act. Designed to overcome historic patterns of
segregation and high concentrations of poverty, the AFFH
rule calls for the development of policies that eliminate
barriers to fair housing and promote diverse communities.
Michael Marsh, president/CEO of Toledo Fair Housing Center,
issued the following statement in response to this
“This is an important step forward in ensuring everyone has
access to live where they choose to live. Your zip code
determines your access to education, employment, and other
vital elements. Expanding access to housing opportunities
means connecting individuals with the greater network of
resources available in the community, thereby increasing
their potential for success.
“This is not a new rule; it has been the law for more than
40 years. Entities that accept federal funding have a
responsibility to protect fair housing and expand
opportunity for all. Now HUD is providing the data and tools
necessary to assist communities in making development
decisions that support fairness and equity. Regions that
embrace diversity experience considerable economic benefits,
and Toledo Fair Housing Center plays a vital role in shaping
a more inclusive and prosperous community.”