Wade Doesn’t Work
A public records request for Mr. Kapszukiewicz’ office
activity shows troubling data that raises doubts as to how
much actual work the taxpayers are getting from Wade.
Every weekend is a long weekend for our County Treasurer. In
just the preceding December and January alone, Mr.
Kapszukiewicz was absent on six Mondays, and five Fridays.
In all, he missed seventeen days of work out of forty two
days during the work week, and had no activity at all on
weekends or holidays.
When Mr. Kapszukiewicz did log in to his taxpayer provided
account, hundreds of instances arise of visits to ESPN,
Pinterest, and Facebook, following news about the Cleveland
Indians and Detroit Lions, including a flow charts of the
Lions Playoff scenarios, a strange Gif titled “Shit Happens
Bum Juice,” as well as one sexist photo commenting on the
appearance of ESPN commentator Sam Ponder.
Mr. Kapszukiewicz also took the time to read news articles
covering his run for mayor, visiting the Toledo Blade
numerous times, specifically the January story on the
screening process for the Lucas County Democratic Party’s
endorsement. While his interest in the endorsement from our
party is flattering, the Party wishes Mr. Kapszukiewicz had
been working for the people of Lucas County instead.
Equally troubling is the fact that Mr. Kapszukiewicz visited
his campaign website, campaign Twitter account, and MYNGP, a
political data website used by campaigns across the country,
while he should have been working for the taxpayers.
It is alarming and problematic that Mr. Kapszukiewicz is
campaigning from an official account. Mr. Kapszukiewicz
should make clear to the people here in Lucas County who is
paying for the NGP account he is using - if it is taxpayers
then why is it entwined with his campaign? If it is his
campaign, then why is he accessing it and using it from an
official account?
Toledoans work, Toledoans punch the clock at full-time jobs.
Toledoans expect a full-time mayor. Mr. Kapszukiewicz is
proving that he is a below average part-time worker who is
not doing the job he was elected to do. He is out of touch
with the hard work ethic Toledo shows every day. While Mr.
Kapszukiewicz may be able to hide from the public and take
long weekends as Treasurer, he will not be able to do so as
Mayor. Being Mayor mandates actually working hard every day,
including weekends, not simply showing up a few days a week
to campaign and surf the websites for ESPN, Twitter,
Facebook, the Toledo Blade, and Pinterest. Mayor
Hicks-Hudson puts in the hard work and keeps Toledo working.
Chairman Joshua Hughes
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