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Have You Heard This Tale Before?

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     Once upon a time in the barren land of Podit, there was a hamlet of possums led by Frankum.  Frankum was up in age and he wanted to make sure that the younger possums knew what to do when he passed on to possum heaven.

       So, one day, Frankum called together the other possums, including Connie, Fabrian, Delso, Macen and Bambo.  Frankum wanted to meet with them and find out what their plans were to make sure their hamlet survived the upcoming winter.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

       In their hamlet, the tradition was that the possums would strike out on their own and collect their favorite food called Henseets. Henseets were delicious fleshy pods that the possums would store up in their homes and when winter came, they would have no need to go out and scavenge for food.

      At the meeting of the younger possums, Frankum went to the front of the small room and asked for silence. But something was different. In this meeting a newcomer possum was talking with the young possums about doing something different and Frankum did not like that kind of talk.

      "Come to order," said Frankum and the assembled possums stopped talking with the stranger and looked at Frankum.

Frankum did not like to be surprised by any new possums to the hamlet, so he asked this new possum his name.

"My name is Jero and I am visiting your hamlet to see if I should plant roots here."

     Frankum grimaced at the thought of a young upstart coming to his hamlet and turning the heads of the younger possums and especially so at the critical time of gathering the valuable Henseets pods.

     The young stranger continued to speak, "I noticed that it appears to be a custom of this hamlet for everyone to go out on their own and collect those delicious Henseets. But, I was wondering is there a better way that the Henseets can be collected so that the whole hamlet benefits."

     The younger possums smiled and chattered amongst themselves at a new idea being introduced that would allow them to be more productive and collect more of those delicious food pods!

     Frankum cleared his throat and said somewhat dryly, "Oh, what is your plan Jero?"

     Jero went to the front of the small room, smiled to all and said, "As you know, we have all year to gather the famed Henseets pods but it appears that we do not make the best use of our time and energy when we randomly collect the food pods.

     We need to ban together, all of us and plan so that we can use all of the possums to collect these pods and we can get bigger numbers and if so, we can prosper more and more and even trade some of the pods for the Allber pods of our neighbors, the Gathat possums up North."

    At the idea that their hamlet could trade some of their Henseets pods for the fabled Alber pods had all of the younger possums yipping in delight and dreams of baking Alber pods with their Henseets pods.

     Anyone one who was a possum knew that the Alber pods were possibly even better tasting than the Henseets pods, but just by a tiny, tiny margin.

     Jero saw their joyful reaction but he also noticed the deep frown on the face of their leader, Frankum.

     Although Frankum had tasted the Alber pod many, many times in his travels in the land of Podit and though it was an excellent food source, he was not sure if he wanted to trade with the Gathat possums because it meant that the Podit possums would have to travel long stretches of open land occupied by the dreaded Macca Eagles.

     Jero, anticipated Frankum's concern about the fearful Macca Eagles and said, "We know that throughout the land of Podit, the Macca Eagles monitor our movements but we have been smart in the past and have used wisdom to outwit them and none of us have been harmed."

      Frankum quickly quipped, "Yes, that is true but who wants to venture back and forth between the two hamlets burdened down with either Alber pods or Henseets pods? That would expose us to greater danger from the Macca Eagles since we would have to carry the pods in sacks on our backs and that would slow us down in case we were attacked!"

    Jero smiled and raised his hand for silence since the room was now in a near panic

with the possums just thinking about being trapped by the ravenous Macca Eagles with sacks of pods strapped to their backs.

    "Listen, one and all.  We all know that food gathering can be risky but unless we band together and do what is good for our hamlets, we will not be using our time to its best advantage. The Macca Eagles will always be there, watching and waiting but we have something that they do not have!"

    At that statement, all of the possums including Frankum, stood still and looked at Jero and said in almost near unison, "What is that?" But before Jero could speak again, Connie and Bambo both cried out, "We don't want to die for some Alber pods!"

Fabrian and Delso also chimed in and said, "Why can't we just leave things as they are and then nobody would get hurt?"

      Macen, the oldest of the younger possums, started to wail and said, "Let us be and go away. We do not want your new ideas. They scare us!"

     At this outburst, Frankum sensing a way to recapture his authority, loudly shouted out,  "We have been doing food collection this way every since my great grand dad

Everjon came from the land of Caul and settled here and we should continue the same way!"

     The possums all clapped and cheered at this grand wise statement and then warily looked at Jero who was now standing alone.

      Sadly, Jero raised his hands for silence and said, "If you never change your ways of how you do things, your old ways will cause you to settle for second best and you will never know the potential of trading your pods with the possums of Gathat.

      The Gathat possums have already started trading with other possum villages and they are doing quite well and are building up a surplus of pods so they can expand and buy more land in order to build a larger hamlet.

      If you don't use what you have and use it wisely, you could lose it in the end and you will always regret that you did not at least try to trade with the Gathat possums."

     But. It was too late. The fear of the unknown froze the possums from venturing out and Jero dejectedly left the hamlet to seek another place where the possums were not scared to be brave and to succeed.

     The moral of the story? The five current black politicos on Toledo City Council, the Toledo mayor and many of the pastors of the black churches in Toledo are the possums and the Macca Eagles are the everyday obstacles that face anyone that dares to venture out and change their environment or circumstances. 

     Jero is a change agent that tells the scaredy possums that they can do much better if they band together and venture out from their comfort zone and work for positive change for the other possums in the land of Toledo.

     Fear of the unknown will freeze you in place unless you are willing to do what has not yet been done; and much more if you ever want to taste some of those delicious Alber pods!


Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@Juno.com



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Revised: 08/16/18 14:12:37 -0700.

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