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Be Forwarned!

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

     If you have been watching the national news lately, things are getting a little testy with the Trump folks in the White House and the national press corps and the ensuing demonstrations that are protesting his recent Ban The Muslim directives.

     Fear is gripping the country if you are a foreigner overseas wanting to return to the US under a legal resident status or if you are an American traveling to certain countries that now view you as an emblem of an America that has recently lost its mind.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

     Americans love to say that we are an immigrant country (save for the native Americans and Africans brought here in chains to build this country...but that is another story for another day) and that the recent acts of Donald have greatly tarred and feathered the image of America as a shining light on a hill.

     The truth is that the Americans who voted for Trump are probably ecstatic with his recent pronouncements against "certain" Muslims making their way to America.

Donald repeatedly said on the campaign trail that he wanted a Muslim ban and...voila!, he is on his way to making good on that draconian campaign promise.

    As for facts as to what countries were or were not listed on his Muslim Ban list, it is curious that one country that was deeply involved in the 9/11 massacre was not on that banned list...Saudi Arabia!

     It was those of Saudi origin who comprised the overwhelming majority of terrorists twho brought down the Twin Towers and rammed a plane into the Pentagon.

But, they are strangely omitted from the banned countries.

    Could it be that since Donald has substantial business interests in the Saudi nation that his business interests overrode his professed desire to protect Americans?

     When you spin the TV channels and eavesdrop on all of the different commentators, and their expert panels and the samplings of  the 'man in the street' you can get the feeling that America is having some serious heart burn about national unity.

    With the Donald still having a tantrum over the numbers of those who did not attend his inaugural day parade and the huge numbers of women who marched the very next day in D.C., one can say with some verity, that this is the beginning of protracted protests against a nascent political administration that is amateurish and sloppy at best.

     Donald is constantly using his spin doctors to explain his pogo stick up and down changes regarding national security and domestic policies that will affect the health and welfare of millions of people.

     Now, it seems that since the Donald is upsetting a lot of white folks with his political gibberish, the backlash to his head-scratching directives will cause more and more affected people to realize that the Donald is clueless and witless about so many issues.  Basically, he is an intellectual midget and does not seem to care!

      One can reasonably ask, "Is Steve Bannon, the white nationalist who is doubling

as Donald's chief strategist, running the show behind the scenes and the Donald is just there for window dressing?" Note: Ever hear of the Manchurian Candidate?

      The upcoming Supreme Court nominee is going to be a battle royale if the Donald presents for nomination a right wing ideologue who will champion his cause on the Supreme Court and not represent "main stream" America.

      Since I was transfixed with the happenings in D.C., I took the unusual steps of trying to use my deep throat source I last time before I had to close down that venue of inside information. Plus, my source was in imminent danger of being exposed and I needed to get one last piece of data before he went underground.

     My source and I were able to make contact at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial.

He wore a gray business suit and carried a brown nondescript brief case and I appeared as a wide-eyed tourist taking pictures of the capital’s monuments.

     He set down his brief case and turned to ostensibly tie his shoe and I approach the brief case and quickly, in one deft movement, picked it up and kept on snapping pictures.

     He silently mouthed to me, "Good luck and goodbye my friend!" and slowly walked away never to contact me again.

    For many, many years, this source gave me unimpeachable data about the inner workings of the past four presidents, but I then realized that my source was gone and I tried, without success, to suppress the tears streaming down my face.

      I realized that in that battered briefcase was a world of information that my reading public must have access to...no matter the personal cost to me.

    I later learned when I returned to Toledo that my contact was arrested some hours later before while attempting to board a flight to Portugal.

     I also later learned that even when "Ronnie" was being water boarded for several days and for hours on end...on the orders of the Donald, he did not cave in and give up my name and for that, I am forever grateful.

To this day, I do not know the eventual fate of my compatriot.

    When I read the contents of briefcase, it took me literally hours to recover from my shock and you will soon learn why America is in trouble with the Donald being in the White House.

    The following edicts are to "reshaped" and are soon to be released as executive orders. See if you can make any sense of the Donald making America Great! with these proposals for executive orders:

(1) To initiate a partial Muslim ban in order to gauge the reaction of the American public and if there is no backlash, then to instigate a permanent ban on Muslims entering the country. (Note: this is being done at the current time!).

(2) To have the soon-to-be Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, shut down any pending or future investigations into voter suppression in all of the southern states and to have this done before the midterm 2018 elections.  He will ueHse budgetary cuts as the cover to cut back on enforcing voter registration laws.

(3) To have any Supreme Court nominee argue against Roe v. Wade on the grounds that the abortions are causing a steep decline in white birth rates and as such it is inimical to the national security interest for America to have low birth rates of white newborns in a nation that is fast becoming non-white.

(4) To declare temporary federal martial law in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Baltimore, Cleveland, Houston and Atlanta on the grounds that law and order is being contravened and only the federal government can restore order in the afflicted "inner cities."

(5) To arrest for questioning any member of Congress who speaks out against the Donald on grounds that such remarks cam incite violent civilian demonstrations against a duly elected and constituted government.

(6) To empower the National Security Council to monitor the calls and emails and Face book pages and remarks of anyone who would cause or agitate or incite civil disobedience against a lawful order of this administration.

    I clearly understood that upon the event of my releasing the above proposals that I would be a marked man but I weighed the right of my readers to know the inner machinations of their government and my own well-being; and I chose to cast my lot with the reader being informed of what is about to take place in their government.

America, you have entered the Twilight Zone of authoritarian politics. Be forewarned!

Contact Lafe Tolliver at lafe5x@gmail.com



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Revised: 08/16/18 14:12:37 -0700.

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