2017 Fall Business and Health EXPO
Special to The Truth
On this sunny Sunday, August 27, the Fall 2017 Business and
Health EXPO was held at the St. Clements Hall. There were
over 75 small business owners in attendance with goods and
services: artwork, massages, manicures, insurance and
investments, health products, men's accessories, natural
products, jewelry, wedding planning, women's apparel,
homemade baked goods, gift baskets and much more.
This year’s sponsors, Mercy Health provided complimentary
health screenings and Toledo Family Pharmacy offered
education and lecture information to attendees. Finally,
there was EMPIRE DJ (a/k/a Steven Wolfe) who entertained the
audience with a great genre of music.
Additionally, there were several food vendors and door
prizes - giveaways throughout the entire day – and the
guests ate, shopped and explored the expo until closing
time. A special thanks was extended by organizer Donnetta
Carter (a/k/a The Social Butterfly) to corporate sponsors:
The Leona Group, LLC, Toledo Family Pharmacy, Mercy Health,
Paramount, The Sojourner’s Truth Newspaper, Tyrell L. Betts
Production, OMG Production-Tracy Roberts, Toledo Convention
Visitors Bureau, Social Butterfly Volunteer Sharon Crawford
and Shawnterra Glasow, executive manager.
The Seventh Annual EXPO is scheduled for Saturday, April 28,
2018 at 640 Indiana Ave Toledo, OH at the Stephenson-Roberts
Fellowship Hall (Indiana MB Church) for more information
contact (419) 367-9765 or via email donnetta_c@msn.com or
you can follow her on Facebook "The Social Butterfly - Donnetta