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Time Out for Thoughts and Prayers!

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column 

     It has become a shopworn mantra. It has become so moth eaten and ragged that you wonder why anyone uses this phrase.

    It is like wearing a talisman...more like a good luck piece...something like a rabbit's foot on a key chain. Maybe like kissing the Irish Blarney stone or not walking under a ladder or letting a black cat pass in front of you.

    Or, maybe it is like wearing your lucky plaid socks when the Final Four plays on TV in March. Or, maybe it is like crossing yourself when you spill salt on the floor or you don't comb your hair when there is a full moon in the sky.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

     Or, maybe it is like crossing your fingers when they are about to read the winning Lotto number. Or, maybe it is more like you don't wear anything red on Friday the 13th.

Just maybe...just maybe it has the indelible power to transform and fix anything broken as when you wish upon a shooting star.

     The phrase is, "Thoughts And Prayers", aka: "T.A.P!"

That banal phrase is now the password that is utilized by any feckless politico when he or she is faced with the daunting task of facing the devastation of gun violence.

     Whenever a cowering politico is caught in the headlights of the media glare and is asked for a statement about any of the horrendous mass shootings, school or otherwise, it is a safe bet that he can avoid the media glare and just utter, with a contrite facial expression and a humble voice, "My thoughts and prayers are with you and the grieving families."

     It does not matter about the bloody carnage of the massacre nor does it matter that the politico always tries to run for cover when he or she was cornered and asked to do something about gun violence or better background checks.

    Their first knee jerk response seems to be, "T.A.P!"

The unwritten political rule seems to be that once you utter, "T.A.P!" you are home safe!

     T.A.P! is like the Get Out Of Jail Free Card when you play Monopoly. When you got it baby, you can wipe your brow and get on with the game!

     Like lemmings to the cliff, the politicos know that if they want to stay in the good graces of the NRA and keep that blood-stained money coming into their political coffers that they must learn a basic Political 101 of empty jargon and that is, "T.A.P!"

     Without knowing and using, "T.A.P!" you are facing possible expulsion from the NRA money donation list.

     If you face angry crowds at your town hall meetings...simply smile and say, "T.A.P!"

If you face a mob of reporters wanting to get an exclusive from you as to your position on gun control or sane background checks or banning the use of military assault rifles, take the easy way out and simply stand your ground and yell, "T.A.P!"

     It works like a charm. More powerful than facing a fanged Dracula with a silver cross in your outstretched arm.

    Better than aspirin for a headache. Better than water for a parched throat. Better than cornbread eaten with collard greens and smoked ham hocks!

That is the incredible and amazing power of, "T.A.P!"

     If you could have patented and bottled, "T.A.P!" you would be into some serious Moolah by now. It is a mantra that now has evolved into a half life of its own.

     By now, those who are not clueless have seen that uttering the password, "T.A.P!" means nothing whatsoever because its once inherent power has been totally diluted by those scalawags who could do something but choose not to do so because of their abject fear of the mouse that roared...the NRA.

     Imagine an entire Republican Congress and a moronic Republican President being held captive to a radical Republican splinter group called the National Rifle Association.

But...all too truthful and embarrassing to witness, the GOP has abdicated any remote sense that they have the moral backbone to stand up to the moneyed bullying of the NRA.

     So, as a weak substitute for courage, the GOP defaults to using, "T.A.P!" anytime it is confronted with the grim reality that gun violence requires immediate and transformative action or others will simply die in their schools and churches and factories because a gutless Congress has been punked into believing that the NRA has them by the throat.

     Sure, there maybe times when offering condolences with the phrase, "T.A.P!" may be appropriate and in good taste but now is not that time.  The time is now for substantial and systemic changes to the gun culture in this gun drenched society.

    Americans have been mentally cauterized and have developed a high level of tolerance for all things that go, POW! or BOOM! or RAT-A-TAT-TAT!

     From the time that illegal immigrants from Europe first came to these American shores and practically decimated the Native Americans, tamed the Wild West by the six-shooter, keep in subjugation African-Americans as slaves for hundred of years, glorified violence in the fabled American Western, the ever presence of guns in Hollywood productions of detective movies, spy movies, military movies, dramas and even comedies and cartoons, all have made plentiful the copious and gratuitous use of guns, guns and more guns.

     The best-selling video games are jammed packed with scenes of graphic violence hurled against "others" or women or even simply wanton violence by which you can rack up winning points for having the biggest and bloodiest body counts!

     "T.A.P!" is a cruel copout from doing the hard and tough work of telling the gun buying public that you do not need an AR-15 to hunt deer or protect your house.

"T.A.P!" buys you time so that you hope that when the current furor about the current mass shooting is over that people will forget and move on to the next crisis...or mass shooting and when that happens, and it will, the "T.A.P!" people will dutifully dust off their suits and pose for the cameras and when all is in place, they will say with contrite hearts and bowed heads, "T.A.P!"

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com


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Revised: 08/16/18 14:12:13 -0700.

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