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Mayor Kapszukiewicz Introduces Chief of Staff

By Fletcher Word
Sojourner’s Truth Editor

Noting that his administration would be “a little younger than in the past and a little more female than in the past,” newly-elected Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz introduced his newly-appointed chief of staff on Friday, Jan 19 as an example not only of the youth and distaff element of his new administration but also of the “wonderful talent” he was bringing to the top floor of One Government Center. “I could not be more pleased,” he said of Catherine Crosby, the current executive director of the City of Dayton Human Relations Council, who will start her Toledo duties on March 5.

Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz introduces Catherine Crosby

Perhaps in anticipation of the question of why he sought to fill such a high administration position from so far away rather than search within the area, the mayor  said: “I deliberately wanted to bring in someone from outside for certain positions such as chief of staff, finance director, director of economic development. Toledo can benefit from the perspective of an outsider.”

The search, he noted was extensive. “We talked to a number of talented people,” he said of the deliberate pace of the search. He described the incoming chief of staff as a “person of great substance” and “a national leader in areas of neighborhood issues.”

Crosby, a Cleveland native, was executive director of the HR Council of Dayton for the past six years and the assistant director for the previous six years. The HR Council, which has no direct equivalent in Toledo, handles fiscal oversight, staff development, fair housing issues, civil rights enforcement, community reinvestment, community-police relations and business and technical assistance, among other tasks, for the City of Dayton.

Crosby earned her undergraduate degree from Wilberforce University in accounting and her master of public administration from Wright State University in Dayton. She noted that her desire to take the Toledo position after so many years in Dayton was driven by a number of professional and personal reasons – among others, the city is similar in size to Dayton with a number of very similar issues and the location is closer to her Cleveland roots.

Crosby will be working with two deputy chiefs of staff, Karen Poore and Abby Arnold, as she oversees the day-to-day operations of the city.


Copyright © 2018 by [The Sojourner's Truth]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 08/16/18 14:12:12 -0700.

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