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Get The Facts Straight

By Lafe Tolliver
Guest Column

     Absolutely and without a doubt what recently happened in Orlando at the Pulse nightclub was reprehensible and horrendous and was a slaughter and a massacre...no if's, and's or but's.

    But...to call that horrific shooting THE worst mass shooting in American history is an outlier of huge proportions.

      When such a statement is made by the media (and they should know better if they had done their basic 101 research into recorded American history), it circulates around enough times so that such a shooting at the gay nightclub becomes "baked" into our collective consciousness that we tend to assume that what was said is true.

Lafe Tolliver, Esq

    Not so fast.

     If you use the term, "THE" worst massacre shooting in American history, you are not even a good amateur historian and I can surmise that reading is not your forte insofar as you would want to dig behind that proffered statement and make up your own mind that it is factually true.

    It is not. By far. By a mile. Even how the crow flies, it is grossly inaccurate and misleading, and the reason why?

Wait for it....here it comes. Because there are four other massacres that are recorded in American history but those other massacres/slaughters involved, black people and indigenous people (aka: Indians).

     As you are aware, matters involving people of color (including Native Americans) and they getting proper "credit" in the history books that for the most part are written by white authors and are fed to the American educational system is often twisted, forgotten or explained away as of being of no consequence or of no value.

     So, if you are going to subscribe to the bandied about "fact" that the Pulse nightclub massacre was "THE" worst in American history, are you feeding into a historical narrative that is (a) inaccurate  (b) misleading (c) wrong. Answer: all of the above.

   Now, let us venture into the world of race relations and peel back the covers and discover the other recorded incidents of America's shame and hate and greed that involved people of color.

    Before I elaborate, am I playing the "race" card? No, it was always thrown down and monstrously played out in the next four incidents that I will bring to your attention or for some, back to your remembrance.

     After reading these real historical facts, when you now see the media constantly stating that the Pulse shooting was, "THE" worst massacre in American history, you can say, "yeah right!"

     And, by the way, if you want to screen out what is about to be read by saying that the Pulse shooting involved terrorists and that is why it qualifies as, "THE" worst massacre/terrorist shooting in America, understand what terrorism does.

     Terrorism causes extreme fear and fright amongst it victims and to send a message that such could be your fate if you continue in your present ways.

Yes, it can also cause death and mayhem and loss of property.

     All four of the below incidents, involved terrorism and terrorists, whom are either described as citizens or the government or even the US military engaging in acts of terror against people of color and for the purpose of inflicting hurt, mayhem and harm.

     Terrorism also sends a message that we will suppress you and kill you if need be in order to keep you out of power (political or economical) because you are hated or despised and you are not, "one of us!"

MASSACRE ONE:  In 1923, in the small city of Rosewood, Florida, from eight to up to 150 black men, women and children (depends on what source you take as being credible) were killed by an enraged white citizenry due to their perception that black people were prospering a little too much for their liking and they needed to be taught a lesson that being uppity is not a good thing. The perpetrators were white American born and bred white terrorists acting against black citizens.

The entire town was burned down and blacks were not allowed to return.

Need more data on this mass murder? Go to the library and "Google" Rosewood, Florida, 1923.

MASSACRE TWO:  On December 29, 1890 at or near Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, 44 women and 18 children were killed by the U.S. government military. It is also reported that approximately 84 men were also killed.

Their crime? Being Indians. Again...go ahead and Google for more detailed data.

MASSACRE THREE:   In 1917, 250 men, women and children were slaughtered by angry white folks who rioted in the East St. Louis Massacre. Their crime? Being black and being the object of rumors about blacks getting out of their "place" and upsetting white folks’ sensibilities and competing for scarce jobs.

MASSACRE FOUR:  In 1921 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, aka: The Black Wall Street, 300 black people were murdered and their prosperous part of town (35 city blocks) was set ablaze.  Again, you can "Google" various accounts of this organized mayhem.

Their crime? Being black and prosperous and the murders fueled by rumors that

black people were acting uppity with white people.

Again, all of the above massacres can be investigated and read in order for you to have personal knowledge of the details that lead to these mass shootings of people of color.

    So, if white America wants to revise history and make the Pulse shooting "THE"

worst terrorist/massacre in US history and deny their own sordid history of mass killings against people of color, you now know better and that lie won't take you by surprise.            

     Note One: These above four massacres do not include a host of other mass shootings of Indians when America was engage in its Manifest Destiny doctrine of expanding to the West.

     And if by chance, Indians were in their way of grabbing their lands and possessions or getting control of their valuable grazing lands, timber or minerals, you simply devise a diabolical ploy that would allow you to wreak havoc on them and take over!

     Note Two: If you want to avoid being called a historical revisionist, you can claim that the Pulse shooting was the worse ever massacre in "modern" history (anything after 1950) done by a "solo" person; and thus you can avoid explaining yourself about the above massacres and others not being included when we do body bag counts of massacres.

Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com



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Revised: 08/16/18 14:12:41 -0700.

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