R.E.S.T.O.R.E., Inc. Hosting 6th
Annual Dads and Kids Kampout!
Special to The Truth
R.E.S.T.O.R.E., Inc. is in the midst of
preparations for its Sixth Annual
Dads and Kids Kamp Out on Friday,
August 28 @ 5 p.m. thru Sunday, August 30
@ 11:00 am.
The event will be held at Camp Miakonda
Sylvania Avenue, Sylvania, OH. Children attending the Kamp
Out will be roughing it with dad under the stars, pure
quality time, good old fashion fun, food, games, contest,
and giveaways. A $50.00 registration fee per is family
required. * Limited number of
scholarships are available.
“This is a community event, we are still in
need of sponsors to support our scholarship fund for dads
who cannot afford the registration fee of $50, and
volunteers to make this a very memorable event for the Dads
and their children.” said Mark Robinson, founder and CEO of
R.E.S.T.O.R.E., Inc.
R.E.S.T.O.R.E., Inc. is a faith-based,
not-for profit 501(c) (3). Its mission is to restore fathers
to the head of the family through and reverse the trend of
fatherlessness in the greater Toledo area. R.E.S.T.O.R.E.
Inc. provides a variety of practical services, such as,
fatherhood education, service coordination, and spiritual
support; and it uses biblical principles that are applicable
and effective regardless of one’s belief system. This
non-profit’s aim is to help men get the support, education
and services they need to be the best fathers they can be.
R.E.S.T.O.R.E., Inc. was founded in 2006 by
Responsible Fatherhood Advocate Robinson, a recipient of the
2013 Fatherhood Heroes Award, through President Obama’s
National Fatherhood Initiative Campaign. He knows first-hand
about the lack of support provided to men with children
having been a single parent for six years. Robinson recalls,
“It was extremely difficult to get any type of support from
the social service networks in my community, they were not
designed with me in mind”.
Robinson is a social worker by profession and
at the present time holds a position as executive director
of Toledo Area Ministries. He has an extensive background in
the field of Social Work and has served on numerous
committees here in Ohio and in New York. He is currently
serving on the Ohio Practitioners Network for Fathers and
Families (OPNFF) Board, which is a statewide collaboration
that seeks to advance a fatherhood and family agenda at the
state and local level.
According to Robinson the 2010 Census is a
clear indicator that we as a community must be proactive in
our support of men in their role as fathers and husbands.
“Dads are vitally important in the lives of their children
and must be supported as they assume non-traditional and
somewhat unfamiliar role as primary caregiver”, said
For more information about R.E.S.T.O.R.E.
and/or “The Dads and Kids Kamp Out” please contact:
419-377-1488 or
restorefathers@aol.com or