I have changed my phone number several times due to
hackers finding my new number and demanding that I give to
an anxious, awaiting public my take on what is happening and
why it is happening.
So, due to the public clamor for my valued opinion, I
have put on my trusted Swami Turban and will now pronounce
much wisdom to those who are wise or would be wise.
Donald Trump is the Frankenstein’s monster of the now
embarrassed Republican Party. He was created over the
decades when the Republicans would issue the same frothy
nonsense he is now embracing but they did not have the
delivery system of a “Donald” personality to deliver it in
ways that are palatable to the now ever greedy Republican
Never mind that his utterances lack substance. Never
pay heed that his statements are outrageous because Donald
Trump, a canny carnival barker, has touched the “third rail”
of American politics by being a populist candidate for a
very jaded and angry electorate that have found a champion
who will spit hellfire and brimstone at the objects of their
fury: a do-nothing Congress and a perceived foreign policy
that makes America look beggarly and cowardly.
Remember, this is a population that was fed a steady
diet of manifest destiny and told that we are a light on a
hill. Mix that with a heavy dosage of John Wayne bravado and
the fact that cowboys always beat the Indians.
Americans have been fed a vitamin deficient porridge
of, “We Are the World!” and “Mission Impossible!” as our
God-given rights of a nation.
Victories in world wars, our astronauts walking on the
moon and the exploits of Rambo! have been the template to
our destiny to reign and rule and such a personality as
Donald Trump shows up and Bam! All of that pent up
frustration for the impacted middle class and a lack of
vision by a do nothing Congress has exploded.
Of course it did not help that President Obama was
wrongly scorned as not being, “One of us!” by people such as
the right-wing media.
Donald Trump led the crusade to see his birth certificate.
The railing Tea Party of the right-wing faction of the
Republican Party was always crowing that somehow diplomacy
was high treason when it came to America being a part of the
community of nations as opposed to being
THE nation among the community.
The Donald tasted blood in the water with the
discontent of the American voter to right the ship of state
and to recover lost honor overseas and to
stop the hemorrhage of jobs to China and Mexico and Pakistan
(Note: these jobs were sent abroad by seemingly loyal
American captains of industry who were not willing to invest
in America…go figure!).
The Donald sniffed the aroma in the air that Americans
were being gutted of their rights to a solid middle class
lifestyle and they wanted a stop to the plundering of their
wealth due to high college tuitions, a tax code that was
friends only to the corporations and the wealthy; and a
bleak retirement due to a fickly stock market that held
their IRA and pension accounts.
The Donald brought to the table a personality that said
“everything can be done and I am the person to do it!”
Details, you ask? The Donald would say: “Trust me, I
can make it happen!”
These desperate voters seemingly are taking on trust
the statements of The Donald and, to date, are not pressing
for details of how his “platform” can be accomplished with a
Congress that is populated by timid members who shirk at
anything that is creative or different.
That is why The Donald is mildly threatening a
third-party campaign if the powers that be in the Republican
Party dump on his parade and march away from him as opposed
to marching with him at the front of the parade.
Some would say that what The Donald is now saying has
been said by Republicans, both in public and in private, and
it is The Donald who says it with verve and without being
beholden to fat cat special interests, hedge funds or
powerful billionaires.
What is The Donald like? He is like the carnival barker
at the state fair who wil tell you to pay your money to see
what is behind curtain A and will not give you any details
other than, “Trust me, you are gonna like it!”
That is how desperate many voters are about getting back
to a culture, a way of life, and a Donald Trump body politic
that tells them that, “The Donald can fix it, just trust me
and give me a chance!”
After all, they reason that it cannot be worse than
what they have had since President George W. Bush invaded
Iran and spent a trillion-plus bucks the country could not
afford; nor the current president who relies on GQ magazine
looks to take the place of substance.
The Donald? Home grown and Made in America! America, you
reap what you sow.
Contact Lafe Tolliver at Tolliver@juno.com